Parent Information

This page includes useful information for parents on your child's learning or where to find advice and support.

All term dates and events can be found in the NEWS section of our website.

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Click the links below to view information about each of our classes in school. You will find information about their current learning and our homework menus.


School uniform contributes to a sense of belonging and we encourage all children to show their participation and pride in our school community by wearing it. 


Our branded uniform has been carefully chosen to be inexpensive and practical, and can be purchased from ‘The Schoolwear Shop’ in Abington Square, Northampton. Ties may be purchased from the school office.


Please note that jewellery should not be worn to school with the exception of small stud earrings. If your child needs to wear a piece of jewellery on religious grounds, please contact the Head teacher.


Earrings must be removed for PE lessons. Teachers cannot be responsible for the removal and care of jewellery and parents are strongly advised to remove earrings on PE days before sending their child to school.


Kingsthorpe Village Primary School is fortunate to have its own kitchen and two professionally trained cooks, who prepare our school meals each day from fresh.


School meals for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, and children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding are free of charge, and we hope that you will consider giving our meals a try. Please see below the three-week rolling menus for September 2023.


Our school kitchen offers four freshly prepared meal choices each day: a main meal (with meat or fish), a main vegetarian meal, a lighter meal and a sandwich option.  There are usually two dessert options for the children to choose from each day, plus a selection of fresh fruit. Our cooks also bake biscuits and cakes each week.


Meal Bookings; full instructions on booking a meal can be found here:

 The cut-off for ordering meals is Wednesday morning for the following week. Our cooks order a delivery of fresh food each week and catering becomes very difficult when quantities change. Please ensure that you order meals in good time and provide a packed lunch if you have not booked a meal. 


Please contact a member of the office team if you need any help with ordering meals.

Three Week Menu - January 2025


Home learning is used to consolidate and reinforce skills, appropriate to the age and level of the child. Regular reading and rehearsal of times tables and basic number facts is an expectation. Children will be given a set menu of tasks at the start of each term with different levels of challenge that the children can select from to complete.

Please click below to view our Homework Policy or to visit the class page for child where you can view the current Homework Menu.

We also provide learning apps for the children to access learning at home with Maths and Reading. Please lcick the links below to view information on the apps and how to download them.


The school works hard to educate the children about their own mental health and wellbeing, teaching coping mechanisms and strategies to be able to regulate their own emotions. However, if children require extra support in this area, the Senior Mental Health Leader (Mrs Tillman) is available to provide advice and guidance.

If you would prefer to investigate external services that may provide advice and support, please view the links below.


If a member of staff is concerned that a child may be subject to abuse, they will report this to the Designated Safeguarding Lead within the school. Where possible we will talk to parents first before contacting Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team in order to discuss our concerns. However, if we feel that the child will be put in danger as a result of discussion or the signs of abuse are significant, we will contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team immediately. 

View Safeguarding Policy

If you have concerns about any child, you can contact the Northamptonshire Children's Trust by clicking the link below. For more advice and support about safeguarding children, please see external links below to organisations.

Northampton Children's Trust - Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub

Mr Brian Gwynne

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Stephanie Tillman

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Susan Hassett

Safeguarding Governor


Children and young people need the help and support of the school to recognise and avoid online safety risks and build their resilience. Online safety is a focus in all areas of the curriculum and staff will reinforce online safety messages across the curriculum.

View Online Safety Policy

Parents and carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need to use the internet and mobile devices in an appropriate way. We ask parents to discuss our online safety agreements with their children and agree to support their safe use of the internet and devices. Please click the links below to view the online safety agreements.

There are also a set of parent guides for different areas of online safety. These are very useful in supporting you to understand the potential issues of using devices and apps and how to implement safety features.


At Kingsthorpe Village Primary School, we endeavor to achieve maximum inclusion of all children (including vulnerable learners) whilst meeting their individual needs. As an inclusive school we do not seek to closely define the special educational needs for which we will make provision. We provide for a wide range of different needs, when budget, resources and availability of expertise has allowed.

The Special Educational Needs Coordinator ( SENCo for the school is Mrs Stephanie Tillman. You can contact Mrs Tillman via the school office on 01604 714223 or via email at senco@kvps.northants

If you have concerns about your child's additional needs, please speak to your child's class teacher to discuss this. If required, the child can be referred to Mrs Tillman.

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